My First Experience Buying Auction Coffee
One of my favorite things about Pull & Pour is the incredible opportunity to try some of the best coffees…

A Quick Look at the Journey Your Coffee Took from Origin to Your Doorstep
Most people enjoy their specialty coffee without ever thinking about the incredible amount of work it takes to arrive at…

Bringing a Coffee from Sample to Final Roast: A Roaster’s Perspective
Hey everyone, this is Luke. I’m the co-founder and roaster at High Bank Coffee Roasters! In this article, I am…

Roasting for Espresso vs. Drip
A quick disclaimer (my lawyer insists): What follows is the opinion of one roaster. Other roasters may have competing views, which are no less valid. Please take the…

How to Roast Coffee at Home
Roasting coffee at home can seem intimidating, but can actually be fun, easy and quite affordable. In a few simple…

Roaster Feature: Madcap Coffee
A few weeks back while visiting Grand Rapids, I had the awesome opportunity to go to Madcap Coffee and do…

Deciphering the Coffee Bag: Picking the Best Coffee Based on the Bag
Coffee packaging can be confusing and hard to understand. Use these tips to learn what to look for on a coffee bag to purchase the highest-quality beans.