Coffee Product Reviews
CAFEC Abaca+ Filters
The CAFEC Abaca filters have been my favorite for pour over for the last few years. I love their flow…

Coffee Article
Roasting for Espresso vs. Drip
A quick disclaimer (my lawyer insists): What follows is the opinion of one roaster. Other roasters may have competing views, which are no less valid. Please take the…

Coffee Tip
Three Quick Tips to Improve Your Pour Over Coffee
In my opinion, there is no better way to make coffee than pour over. The other methods of brewing coffee…

Coffee Product Reviews
Pour Over Coffee with Ovalware
A few weeks ago Ovalware sent a few of their pour over coffee products for me to review. There was…

Coffee Product Reviews
Ameuus AeroPress Micro Filters
The Ameuus micro filters are very thin, stainless steel filters that are designed specifically for the AeroPress as an alternative to the traditional paper filters. Read the full review to hear my thoughts about them.