Asefa Dukamo Ethiopia Cup of Excellence – Coffee Bros
The Cup of Excellence is a rigorous competition. Thousands of coffees are submitted and each coffee is cupped dozens of…

Perla Mayo Peru Cup of Excellence #5 – Apollon’s Gold Specialty Coffee
I had heard about the roaster Apollon’s Gold Specialty Coffee from multiple different people and finally decided it was time…

Finca Matapalo (Cup of Excellence) – One Village Coffee
I had the opportunity to try an Ethiopian coffee from One Village Coffee via Crema.co back in February and was…

Ethiopia Kossa Kebena – CrimsonCup
A friend recently gave this bag of Ethiopia Kossa Kebena to me as a gift and I was quite impressed…

Pull & Pour’s Top 14 Coffees from 2023
2023 has been an incredible year for coffee. I easily tried more than 370 coffees throughout the year and featured…

Mexico El Equimite COE #7 – Noble Coffee
Mexican coffees have increased in quality a tremendous amount in the past decade and no coffees show that improvement as…

Pull & Pour Special Release 001 – Fincas Mierisch Las Delicias Gesha
This beautiful Nicaraguan Gesha is the first in a special release series from the Pull & Pour Coffee Club. This…

Pull & Pour’s Top 18 Coffees from 2021
2021 has been one incredible year for coffee. In total, I reviewed 109 coffees on the site and Instagram and…

Crowns – Ethiopia Tamiru Tadesse Tesema – COE #1 – Tinker Coffee
The Cup of Excellence competitions are held every year to help discover some of the best specialty coffee from different…

Colombia El Obraje Washed Gesha – My Friend’s Coffee
Colombia El Obraje Washed Gesha comes from Hacienda El Obraje in the Narino region of Colombia. The most recent harvest…

Ethiopia Dry Process – My Friend’s Coffee
I love discovering new roasters. Even more than that, I love discovering new micro-roasters. Even more than that, I love…

Peruvian ‘Picorana’ – Noble Coffee Roasting
Noble Coffee Roasting has been a long favorite of mine with home run after home run with every coffee I…