Brew Guide | January 20, 2025
Victor Dota Mejorado Ecuador
SEY Coffee
Coffee Details
1950 MASL
Victor Dota
Recipe Details
Hario v60
20 grams
340 mL
Water Temp
210 °F
Recipe Steps
- Bring your water to a boil and pre-wet the filter in your brewing device.
- Dose 20g of finely ground coffee into your device, then tare your scale. How fine you can grind is largely dependent upon your grinder and how many fines it produces. Again, we are trying to grind as fine as possible and extract as much as possible with our given equipment. Give your device a shake to ensure the bed is flat before we begin the brew cycle.
- Start a timer, bloom your coffee with 60g of water with your bare kettle (no Melodrip), then instantly give your device a few fairly aggressive swirls to ensure all the coffee is evenly saturated. Return your kettle to its heat source to bring it back up to a boil and wait 60s.
- At 1:00, pour up to 200g at a constant height and speed over your Melodrop, concentrically, ensuring the entire coffee bed is being saturated evenly. Return your kettle to its heat source to bring it back up to a boil, and give your device a gentle spin.
- Once the water column has drawn down to about an inch above the coffee bed, pour up to 340g in the same manner as before and return your kettle to its heat source to bring it back up to a boil. Give your brewing device a slightly more aggressive spin this time.
- When your brew water is about to draw down through the coffee bed, give your device another spin and shake to level the bed.
- Enjoy your coffee! If it tastes sour, hollow, or metallic, grind finer and/or use more brew water (360g). If it tastes drying, astringent, or harsh, grind coarser.
RESTING: For optimal flavor, rest the roasted coffee for three weeks before brewing. If you must brew sooner, grind the coffee and let the grinds sit for 15-30 minutes before brewing.
WATER: Brewing with water just off-boil (212F) for all filter brew methods. The water should be fresh, clean, and soft; something in the 40-120ppm range with bicarbonate, calcium, and magnesium works well. We recommend using slightly more calcium than bicarbonate and magnesium. If you are using Third Wave Water packs, use half of a pack for a gallon of distilled water.