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Single Serve Iced Coffee Recipe

A simple, single serve Japanese iced coffee, flash brew style brew recipe.
Prep Time2 minutes
Brew Time3 minutes
Total Time5 minutes
Course: Drinks
Cuisine: American
Keyword: coffee, hario v60, iced coffee
Servings: 1 serving
Calories: 1kcal


  • 15 grams coffee ground medium fine
  • 150 grams 204°F (95.5°C) water
  • 75 grams ice


  • Place filter in brewer and rinse with hot water
  • Gently add ice to the bottom of the cup, mug or carafe you will brew into
  • Add coffee grounds & add 30 grams of water to bloom the coffee
  • At 0:30, add 70 grams quickly using center-focused pours
  • At 1:15, add 50 grams slowly in a circular pour
  • Pour over should complete around 2:30, swirl & serve over ice.


  • If you want to simplify things even more, combine the second and third pour into a single pour 
  • The recipe uses the Hario v60, but it will work for any pour over brewer


Calories: 1kcal | Protein: 1g | Sodium: 12mg | Potassium: 7mg | Calcium: 7mg