Specialty Coffee Blog – Pull & Pour

The 11 Best Coffees of 2019

2019 was a year filled with some amazing coffees. All in all I think I tried over 120 coffees at home and likely another 50-60 while out at coffee shops. Below is a list of my 11 favorite from the year in the order I had them this year.

Ecuador Fausto Romo Sidra

Kaldi’s Coffee

Country: Ecuador

Ecuador Fausto Romo Sidra was part of Kaldi’s “Cupping Room” series, which features special, more exotic or limited coffees. This coffee was incredibly complex and fun to explore. I can’t wait to try any cupping room features Kaldi’s offers in 2020.

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Capital Del Mundo from Messenger Coffee Co

Capital del Mundo

Messenger Coffee Co.

Country: El Salvador

Messenger Coffee Co. was easily one of my favorite new roasters I discovered in 2019. I had the chance to visit their café in Kansas City in March and try a few of their coffees. This one from El Salvador was my favorite at the time. It was an incredibly flexible coffee that was delicious in every brew method and had an amazing complex intertwining of flavors.

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Kenyan ‘Getuya’ AA

Noble Coffee Roasting

Country: Kenya

This Kenyan coffee was full of citrus/grapefruit flavor notes and a beautifully, complex sweetness. It was an amazing coffee and easily one of the best Kenyan coffees I had all year.

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El Salvador Hondurita

Sump Coffee

Country: El Salvador

Hondurita was on point from beginning to end. I think it may have received the highest rating of any coffee this year and rightly so. It had an incredible mix of sweet notes, fruit-forward berry notes and more even some really interesting savory notes. This coffee was a clear pick for the top 10 this year.

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Karinga Kenya

MadCap Coffee

This coffee was everything a Kenyan coffee should be and was near perfect from start to finish. It was one of the most complex and balanced coffees I had all year and had a brightness, complexity and intensity only found in the best coffees.

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Shakiso Kayon Mountain

Windmill Coffee Roasters

Country: Ethiopia

I’m always a sucker for a fruit-forward Ethiopian. Shakiso Kayon Mountain was one of the best I had all year with its mouth-watering acidity and a chocolatey sweetness. This fruit bomb of a coffee was intense in every area.

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1000 Faces Coffee

Country: Guatemala

1000 Faces was another roaster I was so excited to discover in 2019. Each of their coffees I tried this year was delicious, but Caroma was my clear favorite. It was rich, sweet, juicy and full of flavor.

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Snapchilled™ Coffee

Elemental Beverage Company

Country: Burundi, Ethiopia, Colombia

Snapchilled was part of my cold brew series this summer. The cans consisted of three different single origin coffees that were as good as any iced coffee I’d make at home with my single origin options.

They are also starting to do some partnerships with roasters in 2020, so I can’t wait to check out what’s to come!

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Elemental Beverage Company has graciously shared a promo code for all Pull & Pour visitors for 25% off any order of Snappchilled Coffee. I do not get any referral credit if you use this code, but wanted to share it because it really is great coffee!

Get 25% off your order with the promo code PULLANDPOUR.

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Amaro Gayo

Irving Farm

Country: Ethiopia

Amaro Gayo had the berry notes you’d expect in a coffee of this genre, but also a creamy body. It was incredibly sweet and all around a solid coffee that I loved coming back to morning after morning.

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Gold Mountain Brix Breaker

Ross Street Roasting Co.

Country: Nicaragua

This was likely the sweetest coffee I tried from 2019. Gold Mountain Brix Breaker was a really special coffee and a clear favorite of mine for the year.

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Aricha Ethiopia

Littlefoot Coffee Roasters

Country: Ethiopia

I tried a lot of great natural Ethiopian coffees this year, but this one made me stop in my tracks more than any other. It was truly a fruit bomb with some amazing peach notes.

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2019 truly was a special year for coffee; I could have easily included another 10-15 coffees that were favorites throughout the year. I can’t wait to see what is ahead for 2020 and the amazingly delicious coffees I’ll get to try. Stay tuned!

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