Specialty Coffee Blog – Pull & Pour

Small Kōno Pour Over Recipe

Small Kōno Pour Over Recipe

The Kōno dripper is the creation of Akira Kono and is a product of the Kono Coffee Syphon Company based in Japan. It is a small, but incredibly consistent dripper that can yield some amazing results. I recently purchased this 2020 Olympics Blue plastic Kōno dripper and have been really enjoying this recipe from Alvin Cheng or @alcheng88 on Instagram. It’s a simple and consistent recipe that works with a wide varieties of coffees. A few tips as you work on the recipe:


Small Kōno Pour Over Recipe

A simple, consistent brew recipe for the Kōno dripper.
Course Drinks
Cuisine American
Keyword coffee, kōno dripper
Prep Time 2 minutes
Brew Time 3 minutes
Servings 1 serving


  • Kōno pour over dripper
  • Conical filter


  • 15 grams coffee ground medium fine
  • 240 grams 205°F (95°C) water


  • Grind coffee, pre-rinse filter and add coffee to brewer
  • Bloom coffee with 45 grams of water
  • At around 0:35, add water using low, slow and gentle circular pours to reach a total brew weight of 110 grams
  • At around 1:10 (before the slurry has fully drained), add another low, slow and gentle circular pour to reach a total brew weight of 180 grams
  • At around 1:55 (before the slurry has fully drained),pour gently along the edge to wash down any grinds and continue to pour slow and low circular pours to reach total brew weight of 240 grams
  • Allow drawdown. Total brew time should be around 3:30


  • When pouring, keep it slow and gentle with a low pour and not filling up the dripper.
  • Timing with these recipes are always tricky because you have to put a specific time when many times it is a bit variable based on the coffee, etc. With this recipe, keep an eye on the slurry as your best judge on timing. Wait for the slurry to drain, but not fully, before filling up again.

Prefer a more visual version of the brew recipe?

I created infographics of each recipe, which you can see below. You can also find it on Instagram here.

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